Renato Gallo
2018-08-03 12:45:07 UTC
I need to separate completely the routing and traffic of WAN and LAN
I have vm1 on proxmox1
I have vm2 on proxmox2
each proxmox has a two nics one for WAN and one for LAN
the two proxmoxes are connected to each other on the LAN interface via a switch
The two vm's have two nics vmbr0 connected to WAN and vmbr1 connected to LAN
each of the vm's can ping both proxmoxes LAN address
I cannot ping the other vm from none of each vm
what am I missing ?
Renato Gallo
System Engineer
sede legale e operativa: Via San brunone, 13 - 20156 - Milano (MI)
Tel. +39 02 - 87049490
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I need to separate completely the routing and traffic of WAN and LAN
I have vm1 on proxmox1
I have vm2 on proxmox2
each proxmox has a two nics one for WAN and one for LAN
the two proxmoxes are connected to each other on the LAN interface via a switch
The two vm's have two nics vmbr0 connected to WAN and vmbr1 connected to LAN
each of the vm's can ping both proxmoxes LAN address
I cannot ping the other vm from none of each vm
what am I missing ?
Renato Gallo
System Engineer
sede legale e operativa: Via San brunone, 13 - 20156 - Milano (MI)
Tel. +39 02 - 87049490
Fax +39 02 - 48677349
Mobile. +39 342 - 6350524
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